My BNHA Hero Fes 2020 event live tweets/comments will be in this thread!

Mute the hashtag #HeroFes2020 to avoid spoilers or if you don't want to see my Tweets flooding your TL!

The tweets will be text related only as video and audio recording are prohibited.

Massu is doing a live-reading of Kirishima's Unbreakable scene right now!!

Next is Tamaki's voice actor doing a live reading of Tamaki's fight scene!

There's also a clip of Mirio and Tamaki's voice actors doing a live reading of the scene of Mirio calling Tamaki the Sun.

Suwabe is the MC of the event it seems.

Suwabe asking Kirishima & Tamaki's voice actors: "So unfortunately there's no actual audience right now so uh, how does it feel like doing a live reading in front of members here?" LOL

Massu: Suneater is seriously SO COOL!!!

Massu saying that the teachers, like Aizawa, play a great role in the story.

Suwabe later says, "Oh the teachers? Well since you're nice, I'll gift you a melon then. I'll tell you my address later and you can come get it"



Next live recording scene is Deku, Ochako, Tsuyu, and Nejire fighting the Shie Issekai, Ochako fighting alone, and then Tsuyu asking Ochako if she's okay

Suwabe is now asking Ochako, Tsuyu, and Nejire's voice actresses about their characters and what they think about the scenes.

Ochako's voice actress: Doing a live recording feels like I'm fighting against my past self's performance (laughs).

Tsuyu's voice actress saying how it's crazy that these characters are still only just kids and doing all of these things.

Eh weird, the Tweet I made didn't connect with this thread, so here's the next scenes:
Suwabe: The scene with All Might and Deku really shows how deep their bond runs with each other.

Suwabe: I'm really glad to be able to lend my voice to Aizawa as a character. Such a good character.

Next segment of the Hero Fes 2020 is a mini game corner.

The staff are preparing the stage right now, so there's a short break with the Hero Fes 2020 art and music playing in the background.

Anime mini game event corners are always absolute chaotic energy from all the voice actors and actresses, so let's see what kind of crazy shenanigans they get into now!

There are 2 teams, winners will get a 10,000yen meat coupon gift.

PLUS ULTRA Game! Team Up, Get Points!

Team 1
Kirishima, Todoroki, All Might, & Deku voice actors!
They all say “that’s manly!” together!

The mini game is pushing lights on a wall when they flicker.

They have 60 seconds to take turns pushing as many buttons as possible.


Deku: Kaji-san! TODOROKI'S BOOBS!


The teammates are shouting to each other to touch the lights that are on each character.

Team 1 (self-appointed name "Manly Team") got 85 points.

Massu *screaming*: THAT WAS MANLYYYYYY!!!

Oh, more live-recording scenes now?

Kaji and Okamoto reading the lines from the Supplemental Courses scenes with the kids.

Kaji: When I was reading the manga, I wondered when the anime would get to this point [the illusion scene & kids scene]. Like the scene where Todoroki says, "that's not a penis." THAT LINE IS ACTUALLY WRITTEN IN THE MANGA!

Okamoto: This time we see a connection between kids to the older kids. As a seiyuu, sometimes newer voice actors and actresses ask us to teach them things, and I guess it’s kind of a similar thing as a voice actor, teaching younger people the ways.

Mini game is being set up for Team 2 now. Slight break as the stage people set up the props.

Team 2 is Ochako, Tsuyu, and Iida's voice actors/actresses.

Ishikawa (Iida's VA) dyed his hair red recently.

Ochako's voice actress: But why red? You don't look like Iida at all.

Ishikawa: I guess I was channeling Kirishima...?

They keep shouting character's names and body parts where the lights are shouting for their teammate, and Tsuyu's voice actress says: "Kirishima's boobs, Todoroki's boobs!!!" LOL

They only got 74 points.

Next part of the event is another live reading of Iida and Yaoyorozu asking for suggestions on what to do for the Cultural Festival.

Second scene is Jirou's voice actress doing a live reading of the part where everyone supports Jirou doing a live performance.

Third scene is Bakugou saying "we'll kill 'em with our sound!"

Ishikawa will be the MC for this segment.

Ishikawa just finished doing the mini game and was out of breath. The VAs ask why he's the MC right now. He explains that it's because Suwabe is taking a break, but technically he would really like a break right now after sweating it out in the mini game earlier lol

Okamoto: When I first read the manga and Bakugou said they would "kill em with sound," I thought, WAIT! Is he going to...SING??? But it was actually the drums LOL

Okamoto: Kaminari got all up in Jirou's face when he was excited. What happened to social distance???

Hatanaka (Kaminari's VA): Uh yeah, I mean yeah social distance right.


Hatanaka: Kaminari was just really moved!!

There's another live reading of scenes with the Big 3.

First one is Eri with Mirio in the hospital, second is Deku & Mirio seeing Tamaki and Nejire as she tries on dresses.

Third scene is Nejire's Beauty Pageant.

Fourth scene is Deku giving a candy apple to Eri.

Nejire's VA: When La Brava yelled to Gentle to win, it really pulled at my heartstrings. She doesn't see him as a bad person, and she truly wanted him to win and believes in him. It was really emotional.

Ishikawa: Among the animation staff, they added a little easter egg in the opening animation [of the Cultural Festival arc] with the candy apple hidden among characters. The apple is supposed to be one that Class A made for Eri actually.

Yamashita: Love. It's love!

Suwabe is back as the MC, and there's another PLUS ULTRA game.

There are actually more teams that will be doing the light mini game.

The Team "A Band" is Yaoyorozu, Jirou, Kaminari, and Bakugou's VAs.

Team "A Band" got 63 points.

Next segment is another live reading, this time for the HEROES RISING movie.

The first scene is Yaoyorozu and Iida dispatching all the teams to help the citizens.

Second scene is Bakugou, Kirishima, and Kaminari's fight against Mummy.

Third is Ochako and Sero fighting Nine.

Fourth is Iida, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Tsuyu against Chimera

Watching all the voice actors and actresses grunting and screaming as they "fight" is really interesting to see how they vocalize their struggles. The Todoroki & team versus Chimera scene as a live reading was super cool

Next scene is Jirou and Ojiro trying to stop Nine as he advances towards the ruins.

The first cast talk is with Ochako, Todoroki, Tsuyu, Iida, Yaoyorozu, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Jirou to talk about the various battle scenes they all acted just now.

Omg whattttt Jirou's voice actress' normal speaking voice is super super high LOL. I was not expecting that...

Suwabe: So like, the next movie should totally be called TEACHERS RISING!


Hatanaka: I recently watched the movie and the uhm...that part..with Deku and the end...yeah...

Suwabe checking his phone during the event to see what people are tweeting about. He reads someone who wrote "TEACHERS RISING!!! I'D WATCH THAT!!!"


Next scene is the latter part of HEROES RISING live readings with Deku & Bakugou

Next scene is All Might finding Deku and Bakugou after their fight with Nine.

Is Yamashita is going to cry during his performance on live TV??? Wow the emotion is so great.

This is so cool to watch them perform all these emotional scenes live.

Awww Yamashita actually cried. All Might's voice actors also seems like he's crying while saying his lines to thank the OFA predecessors.

Awww Kenta Miyake is still teary and wavering while talking. Such emotion.

Okamoto, Yamashita, and Miyake all talking about how these scenes were really emotional and makes you feel the powerful and moving story of Boku No Hero Academia.

The last Plus Ultra game team is the Big 3.

They will be doing the same light mini game.

Holy crap Big 3 got 101 points!

There's an intermission called "Aoyama's Saturday Night Twinkling"

The first part is asking Aoyama about random things.

Question: What's the most expensive thing in your room?

Answer: Well, the most sparkly thing is...ME!

Question: I'm currently in a fight with a friend. What should I do?

Answer: Give them a surprise! It'll be effective for sure!

Question: What was difficult for you during the Cultural Festival performance?

Answer: Controlling my belly laser.

That's all for now for Aoyama's intermission corner lol

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