Have Republicans ever considered that dopily going around spreading a dangerous contagion might be a political liability? As in, perhaps voters would prefer to live in a society with less virus rather than more. Just a theory. Could help explain any upcoming electoral wipeout
This isn't a question of lockdown versus no lockdown. (There's aren't any "lockdowns" currently underway in the US regardless.) It's top Republican officials flouting basic precautionary protocols six months into a pandemic and causing apparent super-spreader events. Very dopey
Also, lol at pro-GOP partisan trolls trying to berate me over the protests/riots causing spread of the virus. I was screaming about that for months, you morons. While the rest of the media ignored it or denied it
I understand that many online commenters don't personally care about viral spread for whatever dopey reason, and are even actively hostile to any virus mitigation efforts, but all signs indicate you are not representative of typical voter attitudes. Sorry, snowflakes
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