First of all, to clarify everyone’s definitions of queer baiting will be inherently different. However, I would like to discuss the matter of the intimacy between Dream/George/Sapnap and why it isn’t queer baiting a thread
1. Lets define queerbaiting, it is according to Wikipedia, is a marketing technique for fiction and entertainment which creators hint at, but then do not actually depict, same sex romance or other LGBTQ representation.
2. Lets look at some case studies of queerbaiting and lets see Voltron. What made Voltron queerbaiting? The fact that they would give the audiences subtle wink nods that the characters, are LGBTQ. For instance, Lance was depicted with one of the pride flags, as though-
subtly telling the audience that Lance was in fact part of the LGBTQ, thus raising the viewership and ratings of the show. They NEVER confirmed any of their supposed sexualities and GAVE the audience high expectations. Just to ATTRACT a larger audience
3. What makes the DTeam not queerbaiting but in fact a simple bromance. All of the members have EXPLICITLY mentioned their sexualities and were not vague about it. If they really were queerbaiting they would have intentionally let their very own audience think that they are queer
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