Empathy is a wonderful, beautiful thing to have.

But not everyone you meet in this life deserves it. And even if you think otherwise, not everyone has earned it.

You *may* be able to argue for that first part, but I strongly feel that the last part is inarguable. Why is that?
Because some people mean you nothing but harm. They hate you simply because you ARE

They don't wish YOU would change. YOU wish THEY would change while they wish you were GONE.

When ppl mean you nothing but harm, that's abuse. That's control & dominance over your existence.
And not missing a terrible person when they're gone is absolutely not the same thing as being a hateful creature who does everything in their power to make your life & the lives of others a living hell.

It is just fine to tell ghouls like that "Fuck you" with your whole chest.
You don't owe any abuser anything except choosing to turn your back on them, walking away, and living the best life that you can live in their faces. Nothing makes them angrier and that's not funny -- that's sad and pathetic because they will never know what happiness is.
Even worse -- should you choose to forgive them. Very rarely will they understand it b/c the sad reality is that is how the worst of them are. Forgiveness shows how beautiful of a person YOU are, but you are obligated to choose forgiveness or forgetting on *NO* time but your own.
But the saddest reality of all is...

there are some ppl in this world who are so chaotic, so evil, so unrepentant -- that the world is better off without them.

Ours is not the place to judge, but history has proven that some folks, left to their own vices, are malice incarnate.
Those people don't harm just one or two people, or even a whole family... they harm hundreds, thousands, millions of people. Their influence changes all around them for the worst. Toxic and poisonous SOULS on an unfathomable scale -- especially to those they directly hurt.
Don't ever let anybody tell you that a horrible person *deserves* your empathy or sympathy.

Empathy is living and wishing others to live life in spite of all the above. If they don't want or give that same measure, that's entirely on them & the decisions in life that they made.
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