The takes I’m seeing on this topic... whewwww
There’s no blanket rule that applies bc everyone has their own situation and circumstances, but the woman has a right to her own place and if you can’t provide that then you ofc need to compromise and find a middle ground
Like for me I’m the youngest and live alone w my rents, I’d want someone to build that relationship w them and help me look after them as they enter old age but the same time I’ve got a family to think of too now, your parents would understand if you need that space
Also money wise if the house I’m living in with my parents has 2 rooms free surely it makes more sense to move in, stack ps and save up for a nice place to move into? So many factors to consider loooool
Regardless, it’s not childish to want someone to move in with your parents. End of the day you will know your own situation the best and it’s how you communicate it that counts the most. Some people have it in their nikkah contract that they’ll have their own home in X years
One of the best parts of marriage is that their parents become yours too, so I don’t think it’s right to antagonise them right from the drop
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