if im checking my phone btw, its so I look like I have notifications and it also probably looks like people talk to me. just thought I would get that out there, my life is a lie...
i just want to get out of physics soooo bad, fukin hate that class. I'm not even an honors student
how in the hell did she think I was good enough for that class, I guess because I got lucky and did good in her class last year. this is so dumb I'm actually fucking done. cant wait for graduation so I can just ride a bike across the world and forget about consequences
i need a loophole get me the fuck out of physics I'm not about to learn a class like that, that's for people who actually are going to college, I jus wanna go to trade school and become a mechanic and shit like why would you do this to me I thought that there was something there
but ig not im bad at reading people I'm sorry you don't have to read this thread anymore I just needed to vent... twitter is the only thing that listens to me so thanks twitter for letting my put this shit out here to get ignored :)
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