Alright, here it is. My comprehensive Old Fashioned preparation/recipe in thread form!

Difficulty level: Super easy. I’ve got it down to a very simple science that just about everyone can replicate.

LET’S GOOOOO!! 🥃 ——>
1. The glass! Get yo self a nice old fashioned glass.

I mean, any glass would technically work, but you definitely want a short glass wide enough for a large ice cube/sphere. The main reason for the short glass is because there’s only ~ 2 oz of liquid in an old fashioned!
2. A bar spoon of Demerera simple syrup into the glass. Just fill it enough that it doesn’t start spilling over the sides of the spoon. That’s how you know to stop.

*Demerera is highly preferred, but regular simple syrup won’t kill you. Probably.
2a. Wisconsin style old fashioneds are an abomination and will not be taught at the school of M!.

Take your crystallized sugar and reduce it to syrup, you heathens.

3. 2 good dashes of Angostura bitters into the glass.

Nothing fancy about these. They’re most likely at your neighborhood grocery store.
4. The heart of the matter!

2 oz. of your preferred Bourbon or Rye. Pictured here is a local charity store pick @knobcreek that I’m obsessed with.

I prefer a high proof (100+) Rye in my OF’s. It helps balance the whole drink because the proof and the rye grains bite back a bit
5. A single large cube/sphere of ice. If you use a bunch of little cubes it will turn your drink to funny water in as little as a minute.

Plus the single cube is the part that makes you look sophisticated af.

Drop in and stir with your bar spoon for 12 seconds.
6. Take as big of a rip of a lemon peel as you can get. Express it over the top of your drink. Basically that just means squeeze it yellow side down over the top of your drink.

Drop the peel in the drink and do a single quick little stir with it.
7. The best part! Sit back on something made of mahogany and sip while you judge everyone around you.

*Also, don’t let your kids watch RESCUE BOTS past the point where they actually want to watch RESCUE BOTS.

Cheers, Tweeters! 🥃
You can follow @MitchGerads.
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