I love retweeting things on my tl but a few trends in particular have really started to grate on me to the point that I won't be retweeting them anymore. It means I will probably retweet less, but that's ok.

Doctored pics: I am no longer going to retweet photos that I think have
been whitewashed/edited to lighten the skin of artists. I have never been ok with this but in the past I have let it slide bc its so prevalent & would take more effort to weed these photos out. But I am absolutely against colorism, so this is just one way I can have an impact
Posts that are gloating, self congratulatory, and either subtly or blatantly imply that the poster's fave is superior to, doing better than, or better in any way to other artists or entertainers. I really hate these kinds of posts. Its all subjective and people can like whoever
they want to like. Numbers or "wins" of any sort are not proof positive that someone we like or support is "better" or "more talented than someone else's and it perpetuates unnecessary competition and divisiveness.

Its free .99 to not shit on other people. Period.
You can follow @thaibltea.
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