Since its Iksong #suje비 day today
I want to discuss about Iksong when they have meals together.

(Small thread)
Ikjun loves spending meals with Songhwa.
Not because he has no one eat with, its because he seems like he can't enjoy his meal alone. Even if its with other people.
He enjoys his meal with the favorite people he enjoys eating with, and the habit/style he has whenever he eats with someone, he always looks at them first before he eats his food.
This happeneds whenever its Uju or Songhwa that he spends his meals with.
Dont you notice that he only spends his money to whoever he cares the most. He doesnt mind spending when he buys Uju food, same goes for Songhwa.
The day they went to have Sujebi for dinner, Ikjun spent all his money to have a meal with Songhwa.
Remember whenever he have meals with Songhwa or Uju, he always looks at them first. Just to see how much they enjoy the food that Ikjun bought for them, so that he can as well enjoy the moments he has spent with them.
Imagine this, since Ikjun's wife is so occupied with her work overseas. He never gets a chance to spend meals with her (assuming he is busy with work as well, so he didnt get the opportunity to enjoy his meals)
Its like Ikjun would do anything for that person to spend meals with him.
No wonder he treats himself having meals with the people he loves and cares the most, because he couldn't get the opportunity to spend meals with his wife, he couldn't enjoy his meal, its as if having a meal wouldn't make you full.
-- End of thread --
I wonder if we get to see the three of them (Ikjun, Uju, and Songhwa) eating together.
That would make Ikjun feel like his life is complete.
Especially Uju, imagine when he had to spend time with his mom when he got a peanut allergy when eating in a restaurant.
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