There's s lot of good journalism in The Guardian. This isn't it though.

Reading this you would think the only people on Twitter critical of Baxendale were sending death threats and misogynistic insults.
This is the same mistake most journos make.

It happens because they're looking for the extreme and ignoring the actual mainstream. They want the headlines, not the reality.

Journos often fail to see their own myopathy when dealing with social media.
The issue most of us have with Rachel Baxendale is she's wasting our time during the daily briefings to ask stupid questions.

That aspect somehow didn't make it into The Guardian story.
The entire piece was essentially a round up of every journo who thinks Dan is overrated.

It was not a piece about social media during a pandemic. It gave that veneer, but instead gave Rachel a free kick and ignored the basis for those who aren't enamoured by the MSM.
Jenny got there first. Good thread from her.
Some of the comments when Leonore posted the article are spot on too. I doubt many journos will listen to the criticism from tweeters though.
So many great points in the comments. Far in excess of the story itself.
It just keeps coming. All the stuff that Callia somehow overlooked for her story...
Honestly just read these comments to the story. The messages here are exactly what @callapilla would do well to respect.
It's heartening to wake up today and see a flood of arguments from tweeps highlighting the failures of that article. Disappointing that the editor didn't do this first.
Also appreciate that I've littered this thread with typos and not one person has called me out. I must be blocking the right people.
I have my doubts that the feedback from actual citizens is going to get much of a hearing.
Pleeeeeease read this thread.
Fascinating thread by @PRGuy17 who seems to have packed more journalism into a single thread than Calla achieved in her entire Guardian piece.
Some excellent responses to that Guardian piece on Twitter today. Australian journalism needs to do better to keep up.
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