This is an imaginary seasonal restaurant run by @Toksvig who needs your help to imagine it for Autumn 2020. It's a collective imagining game about food & joy. Please tag #Toksvigs - don't forget the S on the end. 1/
In our main European hub, the weather is cooling. We've had the chimneys swept, and the fireplaces are set. There are cosy rugs for your lap, and the smell of apples is in the air. The harvest is in, and it's time to launch the Autumn menu. 2/
Let your imagination conjure up the most perfect place - or draw on your memories and return to a lovely spot somewhere in the world. All you have to do is describe it in a tweet, and there you are. Don’t forget to include the hashtag #Toksvigs too. 3/
This is our season of pudding, pies, crumbles, emerging steaming from the oven. Pot pies, fruit pies, meat pies, veg pies, juicy pies, fluffy pies, deep pies, thin pies. Sweet crumbles, savoury crumbles, nutty and cheesy crumbles. Plum puddings, pumpkin pies, apple crumbles. 4/
Breakfast starts early: freshly baked rolls stuffed with sausage, bacon, egg, juicy mushrooms. Steaming mugs of freshly brewed coffee or tea - the pumpkin spiced latte is popular at this time of year, and you can have it with a big dollop of whipped cream on top, if you fancy. 5/
At lunch, try something from the vegan/veggie menus - this is definitely the season for it. We are still doing some delicious cooking outside: there's often a hog roast on at the weekend, and a big oven full of perfectly baked potatoes with so many different fillings on offer. 6/
Alongside everything else, there's always a roast in the oven for dinner, with all the trimmings. Don’t forget to leave room for the wonderfully rich desserts, some plain, some spiced, all served with cream, or ice cream, or custard... so delicious. 7/
If you're a night owl, the stoves are still hot through the early hours, and there are big pots gently bubbling away: a few delicious soups, and there's always the #HotChocolateMenu. You're also welcome to help yourself to a slice of anything you can find in the larder. 8/
#Toksvigs has a variety of unusual menus. Check out the #MemoryMenu to be served a dish you remember from your past that you would like to re-experience. You can even ask for the same setting, and the same company you had last time. Everything will be just as you remember it. 9/
You're welcome to bring a laptop and work here. No phones will work here, though, and no video calls: we like a bit of peace and quiet. There are enclosed booths, if you really must. 10/
Board games are provided for lazy evenings with friends. Sometimes we have live music, poetry readings: whatever you fancy, we can arrange it. Best thing is, #Toksvigs is imaginary: no need to worry about masks here, and you can safely give imaginary hugs as much as you like. 11/
Hashtag #Toksvigs and tell us what is on the food menu, and the drinks menu? What kind of games are available? What kind of music do we play? What kind of building / space is this restaurant in, and what is the Autumn decor like? 12/
Sometimes we'll respond, but you don't need a response from us. You can just enjoy imagining where you want to be, and what you want to be eating and drinking, and then tweet it with the hashtag. Invite your friends and family to join you and do their own imagining. 13/
If you play this game, thanks so much for bringing it to life. Sometimes #Toksvigs will pop up connected to a real life place, often a charity. If you feel you can, small donations to those places are greatly appreciated. Thank you. 14/
You can follow @toksvigs.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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