Thread on Trump, the coronavirus, and the election. (1/12)
I wish the President and the First Lady a complete and swift recovery. I have taken comfort in II Kings 20, about the recovery of King Hezekiah: another leader, another reformer, another extraordinary political figure who restored his nation's values and overcame the odds. (2/12)
It is nice to see (some) Democrats wish Trump well.

It is INTOLERABLE that this is the first time most have done so in four years. They only acknowledge his presidency once he faces a life-threatening disease.

@JoeBiden compared Trump to Nazi Joseph Goebbels on Saturday. (3/12)
It is not shocking that other Democrats are gloating and celebrating. They are blinded by their hatred and no longer have boundaries. This is how they behave when they need your vote. Think about what they will do if they have full political power and what their goals are. (4/12)
National Democrats resisted any unity or cooperation with Trump when it counted most, in March. Biden and Sanders both attacked him and his travel ban. Pelosi gave a national address without even mentioning the president. They impeached him, absurdly, as the virus arrived. (5/12)
Trump has done an admirable job on coronavirus with little help from Democrats, who cheered masses in the streets just as we were "flattening the curve." He followed the changing advice of experts. He took the risk we all face when we go buy our groceries. Life must go on. (6/12)
Nobody yet knows exactly how Trump got coronavirus. Nobody knows if a mask would have protected him, or even if he, or the other person, was wearing one at the time. The people drawing medical conclusions are just showing their political prejudices. You should ignore them. (8/12)
We have a swift economic recovery, though slowed by the closure of blue states and their schools. We have ventilators and a vaccine program that Democrats are attacking. The Trump administration defended civil liberties and the powers of the states. Another would not have. (7/12)
This president has had to fight:
- sabotage by his predecessor
- illegal spying by the FBI
- false allegations of Russia collusion
- contrived impeachment
- destruction of attorney-client privilege
- baseless prosecution of allies
- lies about white supremacy
- and more
Trump's supporters love him -- not because they think he is perfect, but because of what he has sacrificed. And sacrificed not just to be president, but to do necessary things no one else would and extraordinary things no one else could. This is the latest such sacrifice. (10/12)
Trump's voters share one common motivation: they want to defend the country, because they believe it is being destroyed by the left. Biden took a knee, criticized the police, and called rioters "peaceful protesters." Kamala Harris praised the mob and its Marxist leaders. (11/12)
We should pray for Trump's speedy recovery and a convincing victory in November. Any other outcome leads to conflict or a one-party state. Today's Democratic Party is determined to pursue the latter. May God bless America with the wisdom and strength to endure this trial. (12/12)
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