🚨NEW: Buckle up folks, I'm about to tell you a disturbing story about the Chinese Consulate, a Democrat State Rep. and his wife who works for the local ABC News station. (Thread)

CHAPTER ONE: The Chinese Consulate, A "Hot Spot" for 'Spying'
Here's where it gets interesting.

CHAPTER 2: TX (D) Rep. Gene Wu's Chinese Contacts

Wu routinely attended events in
official capacity w/ Chinese Consulate operatives that were widely covered by Chinese state-run media outlets and were showcased by China's Gov. on social media..
Here is a Google maps image showing Texas (D) Representative Gene Wu's Houston office in relation to the Chinese Consulate. As you can see it is very short commute for Wu to make his routine visits to the Chinese Consulate.
The Trump Admin. recently closed the Houston consulate and revealed China had continued their spying operations after warnings.

Wu and and his allies immediately began shilling for the Chinese Gov. calling "eviction supporters extremists, warmongers, and -as if on cue- racist."
WATCH: Here's a good and informative video on what happened at the Houston Consulate from @KenWebsterII https://twitter.com/KenWebsterII/status/1286013252124565504?s=19
When Wu was confronted by Texans ( @DeplorableChoir) about his loyalties to China, Wu weirdly responded by saying "The Trumps are going to prison. Enjoy." He then followed up w/ another odd statement saying "I'm down" with 'Q Followers' to going to prison. "WWG1WGA"
In addition to Wu being an Anti-Trump bigot, he also has a history of spreading Trump Russia conspiracy theories, and appears to support the "defund the police" movement.

Wu's Twitter feed is full of Anti-Trump tweets that mimic CCP talking points. Coincidence or Collusion?
Side Note: TX Democrat Rep. @GeneforTexas has also retweeted Russian propaganda from the Anti-Trump organization known as the 'Lincoln Project' who's co-founder is a registered agent of Russia.
Wu has several tweets displaying his bigotry while simultaneously commenting on the color of "White" skin. Which is commonly referred to as racism

Wu also routinely race baits by labeling those he disagrees w/ as "Alt-Right" and then labels the "Alt-Right" as "White Supremacist"
CHAPTER THREE: Miya Shay - Local ABC News Reporter and Wife of TX Rep. Gene Wu.

First Pic: (right to left) Communist Party member Xu Erwen, Texas State Representative Gene Wu and wife Shu Xie (Aka @ABC13Miya), and Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis.
When reports broke that the Chinese Consulate in Houston was burning docs and that the Trump Admin was closing the Consulate, guess who got the interview with the Chinese Consul General Cai Wei?

Yup you guessed it.

Miya Shay, wife of (D) TX Rep. Gene Wu
(D) Rep. Wu's wife, Miya Shay, gave a 7 minute softball interview with the Consul General Cai Wei. During the interview Shay allowed the Chinese operative to falsely claim that the documented U.S. accusations of China's hacking and espionage were baseless. https://abc13.com/6329376/ 
IMPORTANT NOTE: "Shay failed to note any conflict of interest in pursuing the exclusive interview with the consul general, despite her husband having worked with Cai in the recent past."

Not sure how that one got past her editor without being disclosed.🤔 https://www.houstoncourant.com/houston-voices/2020/rep-gene-wu-flacks-for-communist-china
Either @miyashay is the worst Reporter on planet earth, or she purposely didn't mention anything about China's spying or theft in her 10 tweet thread about the Chinese Consulate shutting down in Houston.

Once again, is it coincidence or collusion? 🤔 https://twitter.com/miyashay/status/1286834042684538880?s=19
Shay relies on Google search results to defend her weak interviewing skills when confronted about her reporting.

Note: Google has a long and documented history of only displays results for the narrative that Big Tech wants users to see and believe.
Shays Twitter feed is also littered with tweets and reports hyping the Virus Pandemic.

For instance, do you remember the time a man confronted a local news reporter at HEB for hyping the Virus Pandemic.

Yeah, that was Miya Shay.
Here are several more examples of Shay hyping the Virus in her reporting.

The weird thing is, I wasn't able to find a single tweet from Shay condemning that China lied about the virus or that they were responsible for the global outbreak.

Hmm.. Why is that? 🤔
When it comes to Shay addressing racism, it appears to be a one way road. We should all applaud Shay for addressing the racism in PIC 1 but it's concerning how Shay refuses to address racism in her own home from her husband. She's falls short doing so, like her reporting on China
TX Democrat Rep. Gene Wu on President Trump having the Coronavirus: "Hard to serve a prison sentence if you're dead."

@Twitter announced they would take action to suspend users for tweets like this, but they have not taken any action against Wu.

Is it bc he's a Democrat?
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