Before the #MMJC10DoT assignment, I never had a personal Twitter account. Though, I have made posts on this platform for previous jobs. The following thread includes examples of the ways I used Twitter to complete each of the ten days.
Day One: For my profile picture, I used my LinkedIn headshot so that both platforms have a unified look. I also included the profile link to my personal LinkedIn. The header image I chose is of open books, which illustrates my love for reading.
Day Two: I have attached an article in one of my Tweets (Sep. 13th) that gives ideas for creative writing. I also asked my #MMJC6FeetApart classmates how they will be watching the presidential debate using the pole feature (Sep. 29th).
Day Three: Using the Twitter search function, I found people to follow by searching hashtags that interested me. I also followed multiple Canadian and US news outlets to keep up to date. Lastly, I used the previous year’s #MMJC hashtags to find alumni, colleagues, and professors.
Day Four: On this day, I replied to many of my classmate’s questions that they used for their #MMJC10DoT assignments. I also tweeted at Western University thanking them for my mask that they sent in the mail.
Day Five: Using Twitter’s URL shortener, I was able to link the article “20 Ways to Become More Creative With Your Writing” by Writing Cooperative. This feature allowed the character count of the tweet to remain small, even though URL’s can be lengthy.
Day Six: I retweeted and quote tweeted daily about news that was happening locally in London, nationally in Canada, and also internationally. I also occasionally retweeted my classmates to share with my network. Specifically, on orange shirt day and someone posted a class photo.
Day Seven: I’ve used the #MMJC6FeetApart hashtag in order to stay up to date with my classmates and to follow up on the information they share. I have also used hashtags like #journalism or #communications to see what others in these fields have posted.
Day Eight: Twitter lists have allowed me to separate groups of people in my Twitter feed. I have made the lists private the sections are classmates, news organizations and social accounts. I’ve also used Hootsuite stream content and posts with other social media accounts.
Day Nine: I used the like feature when I found a post interesting/adorable and wanted to save it for a later date. The trending feature helped me stay in tune with what was going on in the world. Flipboard was fun to experiment with, though I can’t see myself using it.
Day Ten: I have not deleted any tweets yet but will keep this information in case it is needed. I did not know that individual tweet URL’s could be saved and will be using this feature to link this thread into my website. Thank you @markarayner for this course, I had a blast!
You can follow @SamanthaStante.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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