I’m honored to be receiving the @ichpnet Best Practice Award 2020. 🏆

I’ve already shared a bit about developing a pharmacist role in the peds lupus clinic, so today...

Here are some 💭 for pharmacy residents struggling w/ impostor syndrome, or just struggling rn.

A secret 🤫: Most of your preceptors and pharmacy role models are struggling, too, or were at some point. No one is magical or perfect. We’ve had our share of mistakes 😬 and heartbreaks 💔.

11 years ago, October was my worst month as a #pharmacyresident.

I went to my 1st code ever, a baby w/ a vaccine preventable illness, 2.5+ hrs, w/o a preceptor.

I answered a❓incorrectly. I know now it wouldn’t have changed the outcome, but at the time I wasn’t sure.

A couple weeks later, I was giving a presentation and a preceptor commented, “wow, it actually sounded like you knew what you were talking about for once 😏”. That was the closest thing to a compliment (???) I heard that month.

I was miserable. Midyear was around the corner. I decided not to pursue a PGY2.

My career took a winding path over the next 10 years... https://twitter.com/sweetchinchilla/status/1292483291489210370?s=21
My experiences that year, and on the winding road that followed, taught me about the kind of pharmacist, teammate, preceptor (+ for a little while RC / RPD), and human being I wanted to be to my patients, teammates, and learners.

So, to any pharmacy resident who feels like the weakest one in your class, or like maybe you aren’t meant to be there: you’re not alone and you’re not a failure. It’s okay not to be a rockstar rn. Your path will look different than anyone else’s path.

Don’t compare yourself to your co-residents, or to your preceptors.

It takes time to hit your stride. It takes longer for other people to notice, and it takes the longest for you to notice it yourself.

You can follow @sweetchinchilla.
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