I wish my days were getting better guys, my stress levels are enormous, since a drunk driver demolished my brothers car things have quickly fallen apart for us, we have no food, since we have to walk to the nearest grocery store we can we've had to spend way more food money so...
...our budget is literally gone, we won't have food money for 8 more days, our washer broke the day before the accident and there isn't a laundromat within walking distance so we have no clean laundry, State Farm refused to pay for a rental car, now they won't even answer the...
...phone or return our calls, we've been talking with a lawyer though God only knows how we'll pay for that, I'll probably have to hawk my guitar for food money, the place where the car is being stored is going to take possession of it if the fees aren't paid within the next...
...few days, I'm running out of answers, everyone at my house is on edge with each other, it always seems like the people we love the most have the most hurtful things to say to each other, all I've wanted is to be in good spirits and to continue writing my book but I'm not...
...sure if I've even slept in a week, I can't find the right wave to ride to get in my writing mode, the weather is turning so it is getting cold and that makes it more unpleasant to walk everywhere, I can't even believe State Farm cares more about their own bottom line instead..
...of making right what their driver caused, I guess you just assume when a man with no license that is drunk plows into you that their insurance company will take care of it, guess we were wrong, we get to meet with a lawyer Monday though I look like a gutter rat in filthy...
...clothes because I can't even do laundry, I wish I had better news to report, it's one of those days where no news is good news I guess, if anyone out there is seeking insurance beware that State Farm supports drunk drivers and even said that alcohol was not a factor in the...
...wreck! Then why did the police arrest the man for a DUI? Why did he fail a field sobriety test!? Normal people eat 3 times a day, I'm lucky right now if I eat by 7 p.m. and the Ramen Noodles have given out lmao I've been in worse situations guys, that's the sad part, I once...
...went 5 whole days without eating anything, I once curled up and slept on a gravel road, the definition of pride escapes me at times because I'm not certain that I've ever had any such thing, Best I can make of this situation of mine is to tell you all to be thankful, no...
...matter how bad you think you have it there is always someone somewhere that has it much much much worse, I'm still thankful, I have a roof over my head, my table is empty but I'm thankful anyway, I have clothes on my back dirty as they may be I am still thankful for that...
...and I still have my animals whom eat better than I do most of the time lol but, they give me love and love is all we really need to survive, so I'm thankful for that too, Much Love patriot friends, keep me in your prayers and I'll do the same, together we overcome :)
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