I've seen some people argue that Genshin Impact isn't a good game, it's just an amalgamation of replicated good bits from other games

Do you have ANY idea how hard it is to replicate a good action-RPG combat engine? A good sprawling explorable world? Good climbing? Music? Audio?
When most studios attempt to make a quick buck by imitating elements from other, more popular games, the result is a hilarious, hideous franken-game. A shambling mess of dissonant, barely-connected pieces.

To perfectly steal and combine SO many good ideas is rare and impressive.
Even the game's gacha store elements are stolen from the best on mobile. The Arknights and the Girls Frontlines. Giving players enough to play the game comfortably if they have a bit of patience, not overwhelming them with store-related pop-ups, and careful, gentle nudging.
I will be the first to say that there isn't a single original bone in this game's body. There isn't a single idea, character archetype, move-set or monster that isn't JUST different enough from another game to be legally distinct.

But all of those bones fit together perfectly.
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