I've been reflecting in prayer all day in regards to the response from so many Christians who're shaming ppl for not "praying" for Trump, and demanding that we "ought" to be better.
And I finally realized why this has been bothering, upsetting, frustrating me all day.
This is what Christians do – they elevate, defend, stand by, and support the abuser, never the abused.
Trump is an abuser.
He is toxic. He is the embodiment of harmful narcissism. He is racist. He is misogynistic. He is patronizing. He isn't just an ableist but readily mocks
the disabled. He scorns those who suffer.
While I believe one of the powers of forgiveness is releasing the abused to be free from the strongholds of those who abused them, today, this morning, right now, is not the time for forgiveness. If you can bc all of a sudden Trump
has coronavirus, then cool beans for you. But you also need to examine how elevating and protecting abusers has been ingrained into your mental model. Why so quick to jump on tht train? Why does tht make you feel good abt yourself and bring such comfort?
One of the biggest issues with the MeToo movement was the enormous pressure for victims and survivors to "forgive" leaders who harmed them. For congregations to "pray" for their leaders cause "they didn't mean it" or "feels bad" so now all is forgiven.
From what I've observed, Christians are the prime group of people who have the most difficult time living in the tension and in-between space of anger/sadness/pain/trauma and all's well with the world. We want everything to be fine and dandy and "all is forgiven," and stop
making a fuss about everything! Stop causing controversy, stop speaking up, stop being problematic, just get along.
In what universe did Jesus EVER NOT cause controversy, challenge the system abusers created and abusers themselves??
So if you're demanding that "praying for Trump" is the way of Jesus, I challenge you to pause and really reflect on why this is the path you choose. Have you also readily been telling ppl to pray for those who're caged? Those who've suffered violence bc of Trump's racism
against Asians by refusing to not call it the "China" virus? Have you demanded for better health care for prisoners who're serving their due time cause Jesus DEFINITELY preached about how we should be treating prisoners. Have you demanded that better healthcare be provided
to those who are unable to afford it, even as Republican politicians and Trump himself is receiving amazing healthcare provided by these same ppl thru their tax paying dollars??
For me, I will cont to fight, advocate for the marginalized, oppressed, abused. I cont to pray,
work for their justice and freedom. Trump & abusers always have those supporting, advocating for them. That's why they stay in power. He dsnt need my prayers. He's got plenty of worshippers for that.
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