Yesterday I woke up mad about (Christian) clergy privilege. And I didn’t handle it well. But Christian clergy privilege is something we have to talk about, so can we try again? Incoming thread.
First, an apology: because I woke up mad about Christian clergy privilege, I misread and over-reacted to nolegirl ‘s tweet. I responded badly. I owe her an apology. I was wrong, and I am sorry.
The second first thing is: being a human is real hard right now, for all of us. And that God loves you with an unconditional and infinite love. You are a beloved child of God. We ground our convo in this.
SO. Christian clergy privilege. Despite the decline of mainline churches, society still gives us a ridiculous amount of respect, and we have so much power. I was shocked when I listed our privilege in this thread.
(I made the mistake yesterday of not naming that I’m speaking of *Christian* clergy privilege, and that was wrong. I’m trying to do better in that today.)
I see progressive people with a sophisticated power analysis of the police, of race, of gender, etc refusing to apply that power analysis to our own privilege as Christian clergy.
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