Gestures like these illustrate clearly that, despite whatever Bernie & similar forces may have done to “shift the Overton window,” “progressive” politicians lack the radical imagination & boldness necessary to help poor & working-class people confront fascism & build a new world.
Instead of leveraging the *millions* of dollars & access that he’s cultivated for economic counter-institution-building that can sustain new political power while *also* sustaining communities in meeting material needs ( #DualPower), he & others accept Neoliberal limits & placate!
Bernie Sanders & other “progressive” politicians accept Neoliberal limits on strategy & placate instead of trying to think outside of the traditional “electoral politics” box & embracing a municipalist strategy, even with fascism right on our doorstep! Truly bizarre beyond words.
The assumption we make here, of course, is that these “progressive” politicians & forces even know what “municipalism” is & are actually humble enough to pursue *deep* strategical re-evaluations given the desperation of the moment & unprecedented economic & ecological collapse...
To any folks committed to building some sort of “progressive” political force:

This is how you need to start thinking about moving forward if you hope to accomplish even a fraction of what you currently believe you’ll be able to legislate into existence.
“Left” politicians & parties:

Please don’t spam our mentions promoting your campaigns as something “to the left” of Bernie if you’re not making strides toward building a municipalist approach that starts (from the bottom) with people’s assemblies & economic institution-building.
For those confused:

This gesture from Bernie is an indicator of both immense tactical disadvantage & desperation.

It illustrates that we, as poor & working-class people, should not even be looking in this/his direction.

That is the point of the thread.
The only reason we’d look to any politicians at this stage is if they were really committed to leveraging their campaigns & platforms for a grassroots, municipalist, dual power strategy, instead of wasting time, energy, & resources on entryist tactics that force zero concessions.
Revolutionary politicians have existed, though. Issues = 1) principles & 2) strategy.

Point 1: Bernie has a statist, stagist outlook (Social Democracy before full worker control).

Point 2: Bernie committed to party entryism & obfuscation of “Socialism.”
Many missing the point & interpreting the first tweet of the thread in a very shortsighted, shallow way.

We’ve tried to be clear on the underlying strategical errors being made for years, but it’s hard to cut through when people are banking on “leaders.”
We’ll end on this note.
And this note.
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