The people on my Facebook timeline stating "people shouldn't celebrate Trumo getting Covid or wish death on him just because you disagree with him" are the same people who posted all CAPS posts excited that RBG was dead. The hypocrisy is astounding.
Do I wish death on the president? No. Do I find irony in him testing positive? Yes. Hopefully he comes out of it a better person, and takes COVID seriously. Though I won't hold my breath.
Coming back to this thread because I had another though about the hypocrisy. Some of those same people are people I've heard behind closed doors wishing death on Obama. So for those saying that everyone should respect him no matter what, 2007-2016 Obama would like a word.
But to be clear, The difference also being that those people seemed to hate Obama from the start due to his skin color. Trump in 2015 was looked at with skepticism, not hate. His actions over that last 5 years have farmed this level of hatred.
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