I don't know man... if we're going to go the conspiracy theory route, why not go big? Sure he could be faking covid to garner sympathy, or to dodge the next debate, or to cover for a broke campaign, or to seize the news cycle for a week, or to setup a 'miraculous' recovery...

...or to sell some HCQ for his handlers, or to just lob a three from half court for no apparent reason at a pretty inconvenient time, or to drop the market so his donors can ride another wave up before shorting the entire U.S. economy in two weeks...

But if we're going to dive into the weeds with no proof and pure speculation, why not think bigger? Maybe this is stage one of a resign-and-don't-go-to-jail play. Putin likes chaos. Maybe he poisoned Trump. That would get... chaotic...

Maybe this is an elaborate plan to defect to Russia. Could be a deep state plot maybe. Or an outside play to take down a worldwide child trafficking ring operating out of the attic of a Radio Shack? Do those still exist? I WONDER WHY!? 5G ANYONE!!!!

Or, & I'm just spitballing here, maybe one of the world's most criminally irresponsible and wildly narcissistic humans took frequent unnecessary risks, and contracted the easily-transmissible virus that he let spin out of control while admittedly misleading people about it..

..and failing to plan appropriately, resulting in 200,000+ deaths in the U.S.

Nah. That'd be crazy.

END/ #TrumpHasCovid #TrumpCovid
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