How a humble servant became King.

The setting - ancient Mesopotamia.

The high priest of the land has foretold that the king will die on a particular date in the future.

The king is terrified.

A plan is hatched.
Fortunately, the king had a servant.

This was no ordinary servant, he was the king's most trusted advisor.

The plan?

Make the servant king for the day.

That way, the servent-king will die as foretold, and the real king would be reinstated the next day, safe, and sound.
The king was dismayed to lose his most trusted advisor and friend.

But better than losing his own life.

Sacrifices must be made right?
When the prophesized day arrived, the servant was officially named king.

For his first act as king, he had the real king executed.

The original prophecy had come true.

The king was dead.

The servant would rule the kingdom until the end of his days.

When you first hear the story, you imagine the servant was quick thinking and took advantage of a rare opportunity.

But is that what really happened?

Or did he plan it from the beginning?

Perhaps he approached the priest months before, promising him riches and special favor if he would simply prophesize the king's death.

Was this the greatest chess move in history?

We will never know.
Just remember - there are people out there planning several moves ahead.

You can join them, or you can fall into their traps unwittingly.

Your Choice.
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