after the past 24 years of aggression and confusion towards my race, upbringing, my roots and ancestors- fuck lack of representation ya gonna know what the fuck we are and during this very month if you cross me it’s guerilla warfare bitch. lemme explain
a lot of you- too many of you mother fuckers stole who i am from me. while being filipino was all i knew i was taught to be silent and more like my father. to learn to speak for my brown side of my family- because pilipinx’s are almost invisible here. only we see eachother.
growing up here, specifically in my area yt ppl did not want us. my yt family did not respect us. yt children did not respect me. growing up in a predominantly black community- black folx showed me the solidarity i needed, i wasn’t given the ability to know what i am. that said-
yt ppl have treated me as the token asian friend- yet not asian enough. brown asians are “exotic”, not trendy to y’all. mf DIDN’T LET ME have a voice until you needed a poc backup or wanted to kink up your sex life. treated like i could be malleable, but not filipino. i am angry.
i was promised my dad’s privilege, making yt ppl comfortable when i needed to be told it wouldn’t exist. lack of representation until now had me UNARMED after trusting yt voices before my roots. being an unidentifiable brown yellow azn has had me assaulted/threatened/almost dead.
pilipinx’s are born with luck, quick wit, ancestral strength. we can create anything out of nothing, our souls born from mud and raised by the earth. we’re grounded by endless roots. only our people will ever recognize our permanence/power- how much we’ve conquered in silence.
You can follow @androgelic.
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