This is a thread by @lblwcri who has been suspended by Twitter presumably because she believes sex is real & politically significant.

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"Women died in the weather in 'menstruation' huts in Nepal and India because of their REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS.
Little girls have their clitorises CUT OFF and mutilated to control their sexuality because of their GENiTALIA. How dare you. The audacity."
"Women were considered as property because of the emphasis placed on continuing the BLOODLINE - carried out through the female womb. How fucking dare you make feminism NOT about reproductive systems?"
"Rape was 'conceptualised' as a weapon because the woman's vagina is 'penetrated' in the most basic version of sex. Invaded. It is about genitalia you clueless person."
"Lower class women were not allowed to cover their breasts in South Indian history because the FEMALE BREAST was seen as EXISTING to titillate MEN. They had to pay a 'breast tax'. Women died bleeding after their breasts were cut off. How inhuman."
"Menstrual blood has been considered impure because it came from VAGINA- the female genitalia and women have been condemned as less pure because of it. Clueless. Patriarchy was built on perverting female reproduction."
"Girls in the Congo died after their BREASTS- a FEMALE organ - were cut off when they refused to be raped by militia. Breasts, vagina and the uterus have been the source of our suffering. You're not a woman. You don't know what's been done to us."
"You will not subvert the existence of women Bergdorf. No matter how high your profile. Women and girls and trafficked in the millions so that their vaginas can be thrust into my the all consuming male drive which too many can't control."
"We are the ones that pick up the abuses remains of female bodies. Because they are FEMALE. Because of their breasts and vaginas. Because a 2 year Old's vaginal opening has been Seen as being invaded by adult penises. You cannot separate it. You. Will. Lose."
"How utterly cruel and self obsessed do you have to be to separate our suffering from the bodies that bear the brunt of this suffering? You can be whoever you want. But this is about the abused female body. You do not know what that is."
"Wear the makeup and heels. Take the hormones and the surgery. I do not care. Your Rights are important. And feminism is about females. End of. And there are still enough of us alive to remember that."
"Women have been ostracised and cast out after they can't bear children. Because it was our wombs which has that burden and our grandmothers died as slaves when their wombs didn't function. Don't wave around the word patriarchy if you don't understand it."
"Patriarchy was built on the anatomical particularity of women. Our bodies that were meant to bear children made us vulnerable and we were crushed for it. Women are punished for not producing males. Cast out for not producing perfect children."
Thread by @lblwcri, newly banned by Twitter.

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