You lot have rubbed off on me. I’m not a proper bloody ruddy bloody bloke anymore. I’ve just had my first sit down pee (vile) and I’m drinking a glass of wine waiting for the bath to run. I’ve also got a Bounty and put a bath bomb in like someone who’s split up with their 1/2
2/2 bloke as he was rattling Karen off reception at work who I saw in the Asda and she’s nothing to look at, all tits, hair and Avon. Shaking her arse like she’s chewing a toffee with it. Also we were having a girly night but Debs can’t come as Terry isn’t going to Darts 2/3
3/3 tonight as his lift Baz has got a flat battery and we aren’t wearing a mask on the bus for nuffink. Anyway Terry is fishing early doors so they are moving cheeky night from Sunday to Friday. So I’ll just soak in the bath. Also, it’s ace!!!
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