Dear Women,
I'm really sorry that today we have built such a society where you have to go through misogyny, sexual harassment, institutional patriarchy & what not but the thing is that as a men I can just speculate how deeply these things hurt you personally.
I agree that living in this society being a man is way more advantageous than being a woman. There are certain experiences in this world which only a woman goes through. As a man, I have no right to give judgements about the things which I have never been to.
There r several generalisations in society abt women like they're bad secret keepers,they're weaker than man,to name only a few.But I don't believe in these generalisations bcoz I have no right to judge ALL without knowing them.I cn only say about those who are known to me.
For example if some day I come across 100 women and 99 out of them are bad secret keepers & 1 is not, even then I won't generalise that 'all women are bad Secret Keepers' coz it wud be an insult of that 1 woman.

Same thing goes for the men. I accept that few MEN are involved in some kind of crime against women but that doesn't mean 'ALL men' deserve to be called out for the actions of few. Just like as a man I can't understand certain experiences
that only a woman goes through.
Similarly, a woman who has never been through a man's shoes can never understand what kind of physical as well as mental struggle a man goes through. We need to realise that in order to run this world existence of both men & women is necessary.
If u Generalise all men on the basis of bad actions done by few then there are several men who are soldiers, your fathers, brothers, friends. I dare you to Generalise men on basis of these roles too.

And if you still say that ALL MEN ARE TRASH then i Will accept that u're calling a soldier who is protecting this country a TRASH, your father who gave u birth a TRASH, your brother who takes care of you a TRASH, your friend who is a shoulder to lean upon a TRASH.
I will assume that YOU are a woman who never came across these GOOD MEN.
I don't know how other guys take this but I'm a men and I don't take anyone calling me TRASH without knowing me.
Every human is a separate entity. Stop making GENERALISATIONS.
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