People are mad at aimee because the parasocial nature of "internet politics" makes people launder "brand authenticity" through friendships-- & questioning your "friend's (brand's)" authenticity or complicity in "careerist media maneuvering" is rude in personal settings.
Obviously everyone who is trying to make a living off of political punditry is going to compromise their "principals" out of pragmatic considerations-- you're just not supposed to think this is true of your friends, only of your "enemies"-- but every pundit class does this
On the Left, you criticize the Dems, but not in any way that could "help the greater enemy"-- obviously it's a totally compromised "loyal opposition" reformist movement which makes a pragmatic choice to stick with the Dems because they have no chance of influencing GOP
PMC is also the Professional Media Class-- & they have a collective interest in not alienating themselves from other PMC, because network effects are how you maintain a larger audience-- "criticizing the critics" is always going to make you the scapegoat lol
I think all that it proves when aimee pisses off all the "professional critics" is that she's right about their mutual defense policy amongst each other, because they actively mix their "brand synergies" with their friendship networks in the same class of Professional Media.
All the responses are just: "You're helping the right-- just join the Right-- you're just on the Right now-- if you don't have mutual defense of Left-Critics in the PMC, you're not on our team anymore" -- I can't help but laugh at how the response proves her thesis generally.
Turns out "The Left" is just professional critics who make money defining the acceptable divergences you are allowed to have from the Democratic platform without becoming a "saboteur helping the Bad Guys."
If you go too far "to the left" then you become a Fascist according to Social Democrats who make up the majority of the "Left PMC"-- they're not actually Socialists or Communists, they're just Fabians. There is no real "left" in america in historic terms anymore.
"Our task is that of ruthless criticism, and much more against ostensible friends than against open enemies; and in maintaining this our position we gladly forego cheap democratic popularity." -Marx (lol)
Idk how people didn't figure this out years ago during the Obama admin but I guess the older millennials are slow in realizing that their Bush-era optimism regarding the Democrats is totally anachronistic cringe-- Sanders, Chomsky, Zizek, all your dudes are cucks lmao
The Democrat Future is AOC shaking hands with the female CEOs of the CIA & Raytheon while fomenting intervention in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Kurdistan, etc. The fact that the Reagan Battalion & Vaush/Hassan/&c are all stanning Biden is what "the Left" has been since the 60s.
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