Spent the last 2 months recruiting 13hrs a day, and it's really paid off. We hired the 1 best designer and 3 best engineers I've ever met — this is honestly going to be the best team I've ever worked with. This is what my funnel and a normal day looked like
People have been asking about our process. This is heavily inspired from the book "Who," which I highly recommend. Also this is a must-read from pmarca on hiring https://pmarchive.com/how_to_hire_the_best_people.html
Re the source, we've tried every channel:
- Recruiters
- Outbound from github / linkedin
- Job boards
- Network

1 of these hires is from our network, the 3 others from outbound. There's a bit of a selection effect with any inbound — the very best people rarely look for jobs
You can follow @Altimor.
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