So remember that latex gaming streams poll? Well the result was quite a nudge so I'm going to try it. Sadly not right away it has to wait till after the move but then I will.

If you don't want to miss it you, you can allready follow me on twitch. 

I also have had a tech, electronics and hacking related channel on twitch and YouTube already for a while. If that interests you can find them here:

And yes I'm going to be wear latex in them sometimes as well in the future.

I mean, I don't think I'll be able to look as hot as the person in the pic I posted in the before mentioned thread, but I'll do my best đź–¤

Also I'm a hacker girl who actually does partly does video stuff for living, so yes, you can fully expect me to over engineer this xD

You can follow @EvilScientress.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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