E-mail: classic. everyone has an email but usually for reasons other than sending messages. It is federated but everyone sticks to the same ~3 providers
IRC/XMPP: Boomer chat, still used by a handful of people. can be comfy, you just need to find the right chat.

SMS: More boomer than IRC but it has more features and works for most people

Social Media DMs: only useful if all of your friends are already on the social media.
Skype/Teamspeak: deprecated and terrible

Mumble: One of the best VoIP services out there, but there are notable features missing.

Discord: Zoomer's choice. Joined it back in 2016 and regretted every single day afterwards.
Telegram/Signal: for hipsters who think its "truly private" messaging, signal is objectively better, but not federated and requires phone#

[Matrix]: Extremely close to perfection. End-to-end encrypted messages, zoomer features like images and emojis...
...and Voice and video chat (kinda). Where it fails is the terrible server software and crowding of the matrix(dot)org server and crowding of the element client

Jitsi: Zoom-like video conferencing, perfect if you just want voice/video calls on a web browser
yea this thread is nerd shit but im just expressing my thoughts on the pros and cons of communication methods

Q. What method(s)/services do you prefer and why?
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