If you aren’t for affirming trans kids, you’re for conversion abuse. Sorry, there’s no middle ground on this one.
“You can’t be a [your gender] because you’re [assigned gender at birth]!” is gaslight-conversion abuse. Affirming trans kids doesn’t mean hormones/surgery tomorrow, it means trying new name, pronouns, clothes, haircut. That goes far in “is this right for me?” Phases sputter out.
Even just pretending to be ignorant than trans people exist:

“Oh Johnny, you’re a boy! You can’t be a girl. lol”


no gray area

I’d know. It happened to me and was affirmed with physical abuse. Please don’t let it continue to happen to other kids.

ps- lots of people use the hashtag #protecttranskids but I personally like #affirmtranskids because it’s unambiguous about how we protect them
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