A lot of friends are sharing conspiracy-minded thinking today, so I just wanted to lovingly discuss the rational argument for how Trump’s diagnosis is highly predictable. (1/x)
*** 4 primary factors ***
- the number of people he comes in contact with each day
- the prevalence of infectious SARS-CoV2 in the population
- the precautions taken/not taken
- the number of days these risk factors persist (2/x)
The longer these factors persist, like the number of times you pull a slot machine, the more likely that an otherwise rare outcome (infection) will occur. Pretty simple. You can estimate the probabilities, but they’re well-documented:
https://www.theatlantic.com/.../white-house.../615841/ #COVID19 #CovidTrump
That said, let’s not fall for the hindsight fallacy: this wasn't *inevitable*, just *predictable*. (4/x) #COVID19 #CovidTrump
ADDENDUM: I hope it goes without saying that this thread is not intended to express anything with regards to karma or comeuppance. Like each of the nearly 35 million covid-19 cases worldwide, *no one deserves to fall victim to this disease*.
You can follow @JusBass.
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