O's identity politics of the left is more divisive than any thing T will ever do because it literally means appealing to people not as individuals but as a group. It involves dividing them into several groups and then appealing to them as that.

That's divisive by definition.
And to think when white people voted him, it was because they wanted to move past race as a topic.

But that's impossible because without race taking forefront as a national discourse, dems will lose half their base.

Voting a black man excerbated it, it didn't reduce it.
Then they voted him again to congratulate themselves on voting him the first time and what did they get?

Race relations became more polarised and rose in his 8 years of presidency.

Now the media is acting like O didn't call looters thugs and there were no unarmed blacks shot
while he was president.

What did he do? He did what every president will do when the rioting started. He decried and spoke against it.

Now the media is acting like calling looters thugs is racist.

Universal mind control in full swing.

Snake oil man good.
Orange man bad.
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