This #DomesticViolenceAwarenessMonth, as people are still stuck at home because of COVID, domestic violence is on the rise and so many women have no escape from their abusers. Here's some info on how to recognize the signs and resources to help. 1/
Physical abuse is only one type of DV. Coercive control can go along with physical abuse or separately and can include isolation, monitoring behavior, financial control, using children and pets as a means of control, sexual violence & coercion, intimidation, emotional abuse. 2/
Abuse doesn't have to be “extreme” to be abuse. Abuse in any form, in any way, is abuse and must be treated as such. In all likelihood, it will escalate. Coercive control can escalate, and can be deadly - recognizing the signs early can save lives. 3/
. @BarackObama expanded the definition of domestic abuse & included sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological actions or threats. Trump narrowed the definition to include only felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence, allowing the other kinds of abuse to remain unaddressed. 4/
When I was in a 15-year long abusive relationship, people couldn't understand why I stayed. I've heard "why did you stay for so long?" many times. Let me remind you: It is not the responsibility of the victim to leave. It is the responsibility of the abuser to not abuse. 5/
If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at  or 800-799-7233. They have so many resources to help you or someone in your life safely make a plan to leave. 6/
Other resources: National Network to End Domestic Violence ( ), Safe Horizon ( ), The Animal Welfare Institute ( ) and Abused Deaf Women’s Advocacy Services ( ). 7/7
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