Our pundits are oh so empathic all of a sudden. Where was their “empathy” when kids were put in cages? When women’s organs were ripped out in camps? This happened in America. It was never called fascism or even a crime by them. So I call bullshit on their empathy.
Pundits who express empathy for Trump are moral fools. They have never, to a man, expressed empathy for his many, many victims, whether kids or moms or the 200K+ dead of Covid
Saying we must have empathy for a moral monster and a fascist is yet another way of normalizing and legitimizing fascism. Empathy takes a back seat to holding the monsters accountable for their negligence and malice and crimes. Which pundits have yet to cal for in any way.
Pundits are trying to prove their moral goodness by calling for empathy for fascists, but they only reveal themselves as fools. Fascists deserve no empathy. Perhaps pity. But empathizing with a fascist is to aid and abet their abuses of power, to legitimize them.
Do we “empathize” with rapists? Child abusers? Mass murderers? Of course not. We don’t empathize with them because there is little to empathize with. There is a black hole there; or maybe a terrible pain. But it is dangerous and naive to say that needs empathic tolerance.
Do we “empathize” with rapists and child abusers and mass murderers? Is that what proves our moral goodness? Of course not. In the same way; actually holding fascists accountable is what proves our goodness. Not this naive idea of empathy with them, which only aids and abets them
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