What a week. I decided to take a break from social and sit with my own thoughts, instead of bombarding my mind with what others think or feel. It’s amazing what you begin to realize once you separate yourself from something. I’ve kept no secret about struggles with my...1/4
mental health. When I woke up on Jan 1st, my entire life was turned upside down and in a lot of cases, inside out. Dealing with the loss of my dad has brought out a lot of things that I’ve kept locked away for a long time. It’s been a blessing and a curse. Blessing, 2/4
Because finally I’m dealing with these issues and not running from them.

Curse, because I’ve buried them so deep for so long that now it’s all almost new again. The point of this, is to tell you guys to PLEASE take care of yourself and your mind. It can be your best friend..3/4
Or worst enemy. Do the work. Face things head on. Don’t ever let things sit and build. DONT GIVE POWER TO OTHER THINGS OR PEOPLE. You are in control of you...

Thank you all for the support and understanding. Now, LETS GET IT!
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