Gonna start a Halloween kid movie viewing thread here. Starting Sept 30 we’re doing a family spooky movie together each night with our 5 year old. We started with Hotel Transylvania, last night Hotel Transylvania 2... and tonight will be part 3
Okay tonight is Monster House and it is a LOT scary than I anticipated. I do not recommend for sensitive kiddos. Ours is doing okay but def wrapped in my lap right now
This morning we are watching Tiny Tunes Adventures: Night Ghoulery. It’s like a baby Creepshow/Tales for a HalloweeNight
Tonight is Igor. Haven’t ever seen it but wow a hell of a cast
Very cute. Very low on scary.
Tonight is the Addams Family animated film
Tonight is Paranorman. It’s cute and fun but medium scary with ghosts and talk of violent death... the end is a fairly intense showdown with the undead. So not for highly sensitive kiddos.
Interesting update: Kiddo tapped out and asked to watched some Esme and Roy as a mood re-set. Her tolerance for scary is a lot lower this year and I wonder if it is because the world is more scary? ❀
So on Wednesday we watched the VP debate or THE FLY... but last night was Happy Halloween Scooby Doo. Which included cameos from Elvira and Bill Nye.
Tonight is one of Kiddo’s all time favorites The Nightmare Before Christmas
Our fam costume in 2018. I think I rocked Jack 💀
Tonight is Hocus Pocus
But... we surprised her by getting a projector. Garage door movie theater with spooky hot cocoa is 😍
“This is the best day of my liiiiife” -5 year old film critic
Tonight is Return From Witch Mountain (yes, she has seen Escape To Witch Mountain)
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