Reminder that Clarke knew Lexa for a total of approx 4 months. 3 of which she was off by herself. The total days she spent around Lexa was 29 days. And only 12 days were spent in a "relationship" until she died. So no, Lexa being her greatest love makes little sense.
Possibly her greatest ROMANTIC love because who tf else can she really compare her to? Niylah was a rebound and Finn was cheating on Raven with her. Her greatest love honestly should've been either Madi or Bellamy. Madi was her daughter. A mother's love is the greatest love above
any other, can't convince me otherwise. And Bellamy, even if we're going to *assume* it really was platonic only - they were soulmates, he was her best friend, her protector, her other half (the heart to her head), the one who saved her time and time again and risked it all for.
He was her greatest teacher - he taught her how to be strong, to be a better leader (to try using her heart sometimes), how to be soft and let her guard down by convincing her she didn't have to bare everything alone, he kept her sane while she was alone that first year.
And he was her greatest failure - the one she let down, the one she killed and left behind to die alone after he saved her, after he begged her to believe in him, after she swore she'd never do that again after leaving him in the pits, the one she gave up on and couldn't save.
The one she ultimately couldn't trust in the end even though he always had her back and ended up being right. Bellamy fits all three of her greatests, period. She knew him the least amount of time next to Lexa but in total it was approx 2 years give or take.
She also could've or should've seen either Wells (her best friend of 16 damn years) or either of her parents. It being Lexa was fan service. Period. Jason knew he couldn't give Bellarkes closure because a) he was petty and refused to work with Bob and b) because fuck us.
So he HAD to give Clexas something because between them and Bellarkes - we got them to S7 and he wanted *some* positive reviews. He's not completely stupid, he knows we're the two biggest fan bases in T100. So he briught Lexa back even though there were at least five other
people who should've appeared to Clarke before Lexa. Period. Mind you, I don't hate Lexa. I loved Clexa's brief relationship.
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