There's a decent chance it CAN play out dftly here. Johnson caught COVID in the initial shock-and-awe moments as it swept around the globe. Nobody knew what to expect & everyone was terrified.

45 caught it bc he spent the last 6 months making America a perfect home for disease.
The right-wing news media is going to be a bit lost for the next few days.

They won't be able to decide whether to portray this as a harmless little flu, and "Dear Leader is fine, don't worry"

or to cast it a dangerous foreign plague & spin a victim/martyr narrative.
I mean obviously they're going to say both until he lives or dies so they know which one to stick with. Cognitive dissonance is where the right wing lives.

But as someone who's worked a LOT with folks exiting cults, lemme tell you a little something about cognitive dissonance.
A time period when right-wing news is spinning BOTH narratives is a rare & important opportunity to get out a message that fits into both narratives

& most importantly, is the truth.


This plague on himself and his household is the direct fallout of his own personal ineptitude & grift.

Lean into that, people. It ain't hard.
The left is allergic to blaming people for their own problems bc that's the right-wing's favorite tactic.

It's their favorite tactic for a reason, folks. It's because it's AN ACCURATE DESCRIPTION OF RICH RIGHT-WINGERS' LIVES. Lean the fuck into it.
The folks who are already in the tank for 45 aren't going to change their minds over this.

But GOP ranks are also loaded w opportunists. That's a big part of why that bloc is so big & "unified"-looking: it's full of grifters happy to toe the party line in exchange for goodies.
Exposure of grifts & public humiliation are kryptonite for opportunists.

That's literally why the right wing is so big on "civility." It keeps their failings quiet so they can hang onto their opportunists.
In summary, public shaming is powerful and we don't get an opportunity like this every day.

Drag him and his feckless tiny virus-spreading hands.
Another great reason to cut the wailing about "this will cause a popularity surge!" & just spread better messaging
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