Nah. I'll keep the 208,000 other people who died in my heart, because he flippantly chose to try to help the stock market instead of the American people when all this kicked off.

At this point, anyone willingly denying science and spreading COVID isn't getting my sympathy.
We have more than enough information to know very simple facts about COVID:

- Indoors is more dangerous than outdoors
- Large gatherings are more dangerous
- Wearing masks cuts transmission rates

Can't accept three incredibly basic premises AND encourage their opposites? 🤷🏼‍♀️
My friends have lost parents. My coworkers have lost parents. A family friend's son almost died.

Pray for those people. Because they tried really hard to keep themselves safe, and failed.
Keep these 46,459 people in your prayers instead:
Sorry for the angry tweet storm.

I live every day terrified my parents are going to get sick. Jimi and I have barely left the house in 6+ months to be safe (and keep others safe). We work full time and keep the kid home because we don't know long term effects if he gets it.
We have family with serious pre-existing conditions. My cousin is about to have twins. My grandpa is almost 80.

I would literally do anything to keep them all safe. And some of y'all are just out there at bars acting like this shit isn't real and hasn't killed 200K people.
Wear a mask and wear it properly for god's sake. It is literally the bare minimum you can do to keep yourself and others safer. No different than putting shoes on when you run errands. Basic hygiene for the time we find ourselves in now.
You can follow @AshleyEsqueda.
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