LARRY COINCIDENCE OF THE DAY : H&L using sign language.
disclaimer : this thread will only serve as a compilation of all the evidences or coincidences of them signing stuff to each other. we have no way of knowing if any of this was intentional, but it happened enough times for it to be interesting to look into.
Let's start with them knowing sign language cause it supposedly was debunked as L said in a live in 2018 he didn't know any. but we literally have proofs of the opposite so..? here's the biggest one at this charity game in 2016 where an article was even written about it
So L was paired up with her cause of his knowledge of sign language.. but he doesn't know sign language? k.
on H's side he stated himself that he wanted to and was learning it since 2011, & we saw him use some on multiple occasions.
A sign they used a lot was this one. In ASL 2 thumbs up pressed together like that mean "sweethearts" but they also used different variations of it that could be in BSL ways of checking on the other (how are u? good). we can obviously only guess what they truly meant here
either way it was a cute gesture that was noticed by a big part of the fandom and that was used pretty heavily by the boys at the time. mostly by H&L but also sometimes with the other boys (not the sweethearts one though, only the greetings/checking one)
and ill add this little one that happened in 2015 just becauseđŸ„ș
next evidence we have is this moment of L signing "H my boy" or "H you're mine"
he clearly signs the letter H and the sign for my/mine but the last thing he does could be interpreted either as pointing at H so "you" or as the bsl sign for "boy"
here u can see L looking at H and signing once again "mine" (possessive mf) this one cute cause u can see him doing it with his left hand and then realizing his mistake and switching his mic of hands so he can do it again correctly
cause indeed, the sign for mine in asl is with the right hand not the left
the sign L is making here has divided the fandom bc crossed fingers generally mean "hope" in ASL but in BSL it can also be used for "forever" which it seems would make more sense for L to sign to H here?
not really possible for us to know for sure, and both are quite cute anyway
this one's funny lmao, H jokingly complained about their performance and L signed "nag" to him rjrbkr pls u can see him pointing at H and then pointing at his other hand like "yes it's u i'm talking about."
H's reaction i'm out
ok another big one, H had failed his high note as u can see in the gif and L noticed he was annoyed with himself afterwards
and L signed to H : "not a big deal sad one"
not. a. big. deal. sad. one. WHY IS THIS SO ENDEARING TO ME
it was interpreted by someone fluent in sign language and if u look at what L signs (first the negation, then pointing at "tears" to sign sad/crying and making one with his finger) it seems to correspond so im choosing to believe this.
next one makes me want to cry myself to sleep even in the middle of the afternoon.
yk how H often fidgeted with his rings/ring fingers ? especially when a question of relationship/marriage was brought up?
well this is the sign in british sign language for "husband"
this gif is from directly after L said "Some people stay engaged for years"
it could totally be a coincidence tho
Last thing i'll add is not really sign language but it's L signing a heart when asking for H's mic to be turned up. just cause it's cute.
or half a heart
(how cute is he look at him afterwards jrbtbrkr)
okkk that's it for the sign language thread hehe obviously if there's something you think i could add don't hesitate to tell me!! hope you liked it, i obviously have no way of knowing if it's all true and correctly interpreted but i did my best lol
adding thisssss
forgot to link the thread ugh stupid
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