Had I not heard this would blow away, that only 15 people would get it, that it was just a flu, that the young were immune, that sunlight and disinfectant helped, that Hyrdoxy cured it…(1)
Had I not seen doctors and experts sidelined, science contradicted, data called fake, the CDC forced to post fake stories, money misdirected…(2)
Had I not seen masks ridiculed and politicized, wearers scorned, distancing neglected, guidelines ignored, feet dragged….(3)
Had I not seen rallies continued, public gatherings assembled, restaurants and bars opened, children forced back to school, and protections removed…(4)
Had I not seen people lose their jobs, the Senate ignore the needs of the population, the needs of those suffering, those evicted, those going bankrupt…(5)
Had I not seen 208,000 die, 7 million get infected, and projections of double that still to come, loved ones mourning, children losing parents, parents losing children…(6)
Had I not seen and heard all these things, I would have a shred of sympathy for the guy who single handedly pushed the most misinformation on this virus of anyone in the world. But I saw it. You saw it. You can pray for him. I'll pray for less ignorance. (7)
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