Saving money won't make you wealthy

There’s only one thing that will

There’s nothing wrong with saving money

But you can only save so much

The solution is simple,

Make more
You make more by putting your money to work for you

Saving money is putting it to rest
Investing money in putting it to work

Income must be increased one way or another

You don’t need 7 income streams

You just need a plan on what to do with your money
Income can be increased in the short term or long term

Short term would be to either make more at your current job

Or create your own income and start a side hustle

Long term would be to start an investing portfolio, let compound interest take over, and never worry about it.
Short term money should become long term money

The goal is to do something in the present that will benefit us in the future

Saving your money is in the present

Doing something with it is in the future
You’ll learn healthy habits with your finances from saving

But pair that with putting your money to work with you in some way

Is a recipe for financial freedom
Financial freedom isn’t that complicated

You don’t need to come from money to make money

- Lower your expenses
- Learn healthy saving habits
- Put your money to work for you

You’ll be ahead of 99% of people around you
Anyone can make money

Not everyone can save it, invest it, and benefit from it

You owe it to yourself to set yourself up for success in the future
Don’t overcomplicate it

Time and consistency will work wonders

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