My interest in the conspiracy theory that Trump doesn't actually have COVID-19 is less than zero—for 1,000 reasons, including that it's insane, *and* Trump would never want to be seen as sick if he wasn't—so if you're on this feed to make that comment, feel free to, you know, not
It really is the most incredible misunderstanding of Trump to think he'd let America see him as weak and ailing if he weren't weak and ailing

As a Trump biographer I'm weirdly offended that folks are on my feed saying something this stupidly out of character with Trump's history
I'd also note—regarding the asinine conspiracy theory that Trump isn't actually sick—that the Sunday-morning-cartoon level of chicanery, cover-up, and complicity it'd take to produce such an encompassing and *easily uncovered* lie is roughly at the level of 9/11 truther bullsh*t
The upshot is that rank-and-file Democrats make themselves look stupid and naive and irresponsible as hell when or as they pass off this cockamamie conspiracy theory that Trump isn't actually sick as even remotely plausible, I mean really it's Russian-troll-tier internet nonsense
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