Twitter never fails to amaze me on how stupid people can be. It never does. It also doesn't fail to amaze me on how some of my mutual actually agree to the stupidest things either.
Some of my friends here may have noticed that I haven't done my normal routine of saying...(1/11)
good morning today. Actually I haven't done anything for the past 10 hours on twitter.
This isn't because I forgot about it, it's because of me getting sick of how some morons here thinking they can use discrimination to end discrimination.
One of my mutual retweeted...(2/11)
a particular tweet which was suggesting that all members of a group, which me & my friend are a part of (say x), are something, which is a minority & has no relation to the x whatsoever, which is also looked down upon based of a cartoon comic. Not any sort of statistics...(3/11)
study from statistics science journal like Biometrics, Biometrika, JIMO, Revista Colombiana de Estadística, Technometrics or any respected statistics science journal. The person didn't base this assumption from any study, but of a fucking comic book.
Oh & by the way, I...(4/11)
did some background research on this person, just to see if this person tweeted something more stupid things, & I found that she's fighting against discrimination.
This is what made me more upset. She's discriminating against the group that I'm in & saying that she's...(5/11)
fighting against discrimination.
What upset me even more is that for a person who likes to accuse other people people of being a bigot, she really does judge people based on what group their in.
I've also seen some of my mutual agree to these fucking morons who think...(6/11)
discriminating a group is ok because a minority of that group discriminated their group. Some of you are doing exactly that & you're not realising that you're being a giant hypocrite.
Bigotry is bigotry regardless who it is doing it to whom. Calling it something other...(7/11)
than bigotry doesn't change the fact that it's still fucking bigotry. If you think otherwise, then you're a fucking bigot.
Being here & seeing this shit has created this small place in the back of mind wanting to take away freedom of speech to some people who say dumb shit. (8/11
The more shit I see like this is making me want to make my account private & only post & only post some topics I'm interested.
What upsets me even more is that these people have ruined every bit of potential twitter had to be one of the best websites to have discussion. (9/11)
The attribute of making long as rants like this, & add pictures isn't found in a lot of websites.
Call me a introvert, emoji-hater, toxic, only-care-about-internet-points person all you want, but I rather be addicted once more to reddit than this shit hole.
I know that...(10/11)
reddit is a fucking place with confirmation bias written all over it. I know how shit reddit is, I've been in that site for years, but it's still way better than twitter.
& if there's any mistakes I've made in this thread, then I want you to know that I don't give a shit. (11/11
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