Turns out Trump has the virus.

A lot of IMGUR is having the age old debate of "Is it morally OK to hope that C19 solves the problem of Mango Mussolini?".

Logically, and I do love logically, its right to hope the virus wins in this case. He abandoned his citizens to the virus
and encouraged its infection and spread. If it takes him, after 200,000 Americans died, and many more were maimed for life, mostly in part because of his lies and stupidity bordering on insanity...well, I believe thats called natural justice.
Criminals suffer forfeiture of life and limb as penalty for their crimes every day, if sometimes by degrees. 10 years of prison. Chemical castration. And execution. I see nothing wrong with justice delivered to a stochastic terrorist who, by default, killed people he swore to

The image I included in this thread is about if we should define Trump as a monster. Im undecided about the use of the term. In the grand of scheme of things we shouldnt or else lose perspective on how Trumps and Hitlers are made. But by definition, its apt.
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