“Cue The Storm”
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I’ve just written a piece on The Storm:
1. “Cue The Storm”

There’s been a lot of false starts.
Failed predictions. I now understand better why it has been this way. I understand my credibility has suffered as a result. That does not concern me. I have no doubts.....
2. The military intelligence insider (aka Cue) has been providing information, links and perhaps most importantly dates.
The very first post from October 28, 2017 posited that Hillary Clinton would be arrested on October 30th. Here is an excerpt from a Washington post article.
3. WAPO:“For example, the very first ‘Cue” post claims that Hillary Clinton was about to be arrested the next day, her passport frozen, and the National Guard would be deployed to contain all of the riots. That was in October of 2017. Nothing happened”

Nothing did happen.
4. The error is simple. October 30th happens once a year and there was no indication of this being 2017 although many of those who knew the depths of Hilary Clinton’s criminality assumed - or rather hoped - that this would happen as stated in two days time.
5. It had only been a few weeks since candidate Trump changed everything with his debate threat (or perhaps it was a promise):

“If I were President, you’d be locked up“

So the hope – the Hopium – was understandable.
6. As an aside, my father’s close friend was deputy head of MI6, a career spook, and was ousted for the top job when Tony Blair put in his man instead.
He never - once retired - revealed any information (before his death) bar the one nugget - the most well-known truth in DC.....
7. “Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt politician I’ve ever come across” JC

Top spooks from MI6 are possibly some of the most informed people on the planet.
8. By the time I first came across the Cue posts it was several months later anyway.

Many of the dates proposed in these posts have a great relevance either one year or two years later.
These are called “Deltas” where there is an exact coincidence of time stamps or date stamps.
9. October 30th 2020 marks a three year Delta for HRC’s proposed arrest date.

There is also much synchronicity between what is posted and what is tweeted by President Trump.

Timestamps coincide so regularly that coincidence is mathematically impossible.
10. There are also certain phrases that President Trump uses that were used first in these posts.
“These people are sick“
“The storm is coming“

The press asked The President “What storm? “
The President replied:
“You’ll see”.

(Watch the start of Mission Impossible - Fallout”
11. President Trump’s use of capitalisation has drawn a lot of attention from those who analyse these things.

President Trump tweeted last night that he and Melania had contracted COVID so they’re going to be quarantining for sometime:
12. “Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!”

Paying attention to the capitals:

To Get Her
13. The very first post stated that October 30th would be the date for HRC’s arrest. October 30th will be the second October full moon;
“Once in a blue moon” occurs when two moons fall in the same calendar month.
President Trump tweeted the Covid news last night, the full moon.
14. Just as those doing rituals for evil, use the full moons to increase the potency of their work, so also do those seeking to create benevolent change – this is white magic and the good news is it’s way more powerful than black magic.
Black magic will always rebound threefold.
15. “How something begins dictates its onward journey” not a quote, but something I have observed to be repeatedly true.

Cue began with HRC’s arrest being announced. It’s the number one objective – the mission statement - the agenda for change and Cue, clearly stated. Page One.
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