How to deal with your problems.

-A Thread-
1) Is it really a problem?

Or is it a blessing in disguise?

Our brains first response is usually "danger, danger"

But, if we slow down and focus... our outlook can dramatically change everything immediately.
2) If it really is a problem.

Why is it a problem?

What makes it so big that it is a "problem?"

Again, a problem is how you perceive something.

Change the world "problem" to obstacle.

Obstacles are ok, they help us get where we are going.
3) What will you do to overcome the obstacle?

Often times this is where obstacles become PROBLEMS.

People run from uncomfortable situations.

They do not want to face them, so they ignore them and they amplify.

Face your obstacles when they appear and conquer them.
4) Sacrifices are necessary to overcome obstacles.

What are you willing to sacrifice to fix things?

What are you willing to give in to get more?

You cannot have your cake and eat it to. You are going to have to leave something behind to move forward.

Progress is often hard.
5) Make the process enjoyable.

The slightest change in mindset drastically increases your chances of success in anything.

The more the brain focuses and prioritizes something the more it shifts energy towards that obstacle.

Master your mind and you will master your life.
Remember, master your mind and you will master your life.

Thank you for reading.

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