If Muslims parents did only three things they could save their children a lot of heartache (in terms of practicing the religion):

1. Don’t put them in public school
2. No smart phones/unmonitored access to internet
3. Don’t allow them to watch TV (video games, movies, incld.)
Most of the issues Muslim youth are dealing w/ is a result of school and nm media influence.

Which encourages them to:

-Rebel against parents
-Engage in premarital relationships
-Accept ‘alternative lifestyles’
-See hyper-sexuality as empowering
-View immodesty as normal

Instead of fighting against media influence and school indoctrination, don’t put them in this tug of war in the first place. Utilize their formative years to give them a good foundation in their deen, in understanding society, and in creating a strong identity.
Otherwise you’re setting them up for failure and only by the grace of God will they turn to Him over the allure of this world.

And Allah knows best.
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